Imagine if a Mercedes were suddenly the same price as a Yugo, would the people who currently buy Mercedes shift to buy something else?
Can you offer the highest quality product at a price all consumers can afford? How about the Builder/Remodeler who claims to be an expert, but offers a deeply discounted price? By offering a dirt-low price, are they sending the message to their intended customer that they’re really not the expert they claim to be?
When it comes to price vs. quality homeowners typically choose the middle of the road when making decisions concerning proposals for construction work. The owner does not understand how to descope multiples of construction proposals. They are looking at the bottom line, and what will it cost? But still want all the quality and do not want to compromise on it.
I find myself thinking ..."So you want to put a deposit down on a Yugo but want to drive out with a Mercedes, Right?"
A well-qualified proposal is one that is all inclusive of all aspects of the project, this may make the price higher than all the rest but it must contain and be expressive of all items and work to be performed.
Are You Looking At Only The Bottom Line?
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